Have you rolled your clutch
lately ?

Turn your stock Yamaha clutch into a roller secondary
without adding the extra pounds that the other manufactures put
on. If you want a smooth shift on acceleration and a lightning
fast back-shift then the Lightning Pro Roller Secondary is
one of the lightest and most exact shifting clutches available.
Testing this clutch on our higher horsepower and modified sleds
has shown its durability and strength. It's light weight design
(additional weight is less than a stock helix) has its strength
in key areas of roller contact instead of adding mass to the
clutch. We use the finest composite bearing material available!!
An added benefit of the Lightning Pro Roller Secondary's design
is the full shift-out for overdrive. No need to put on extra
spacers, its built into the system even if you are using a stock
or after-market helix, and in case you have and assortment of
helixes already, there is no need to put them on the shelf, they
will work on the Lightning Pro.
This is a machined system:
This system requires you to send your secondary sheave to us for
machining, or if you prefer, we will supply you with a print for
this relatively easy machining operation. This system is designed
for stock, high horsepower, and race applications. The roller
ring assembly installs where the original clutch buttons were